Is your Medela Pump losing suction? If you’re experiencing issues with your Medela breast pump losing suction, there are several possible reasons and solutions you can try:

Check the Assembly
Make sure all the components of your Medela breast pump are properly assembled. This includes checking that the breast shield, valve, and membrane are correctly fitted and securely attached. Any loose or improperly fitted components can result in a loss of suction.
Clean the Pump
Regularly cleaning your breast pump is essential for maintaining optimal suction. Take apart the pump and thoroughly clean all the parts that come into contact with milk, including the breast shield, valve, membrane, tubing, and collection bottles. Use warm soapy water or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning. Rinse thoroughly and allow the parts to air dry before reassembling.
Check the Tubing
Always, inspect the tubing for any kinks, bends, or damage that may be affecting the suction. Straighten out any kinks or bends, and replace any damaged tubing if necessary.
Check the Breast Shields and Connectors
Do ensure that the breast shields and connectors are properly connected and securely attached. Make sure they are free from any cracks, tears, or damage that may affect suction.
Inspect the Valves and Membranes
The valves and membranes play a crucial role in maintaining suction. Check the valves for any dirt, debris, or wear. If they appear dirty or worn out, clean or replace them accordingly. The little white flaps can tear or the yellow connectors can crack. If either of these things happens, your breast pump will lose suction. This happened to me and the pump actually made a different sound compared to normal.

Replace Worn-Out Parts
Over time, the valves and membranes of your Medela breast pump may wear out and lose their effectiveness, resulting in decreased suction. Replace these parts (aff link) regularly as recommended by the manufacturer or if you notice any signs of wear and tear.
Check the Power Source
If you’re using an electric breast pump, make sure it’s properly plugged in and receiving adequate power. Low battery or insufficient power supply can result in reduced suction.
Check for Air Leaks
Also, check for any air leaks in the system can compromise suction. Check that all connections, including the tubing and collection bottles, are securely attached without any gaps or leaks.
Try Different Suction Levels
Medela breast pumps often have adjustable suction levels. Experiment with different suction settings to find the one that works best for you and ensures optimal suction.
Contact Customer Support
If you’ve tried the above steps and are still experiencing issues with your Medela breast pump losing suction, contact Medela customer support or consult your user manual for troubleshooting guidance or to inquire about replacement parts.
Remember, proper maintenance and regular cleaning are crucial for maintaining the suction of your Medela breast pump. If you’re still having issues, it’s best to contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance or consider consulting a lactation consultant for additional guidance.

I used this pump when I had my daughter. I had bought a cheaper one and had issues. I rented this through my hospital. Let me tell you it was the best. I bought an extra bottle, pumping nozzles and used it for 1 year.
I never had this problem luckily. It does help to be aware of how to fix the issue.
I’ve never used one but I’m sure anyone who has problems with theirs will find this post very useful.
Both of my nieces are pregnant so I’m going to share this info with them!
These are all great for helping when the suction may not be working properly. I use to always make sure it was clean each time I used it.
I don’t have any children but this information is so useful for the future, thanks!
My daughter has this type of pump. I will pass this info to her.
Great informative post! My friend is pumping now and I’m not sure which pump she has but I’m going to share this information with her just in case she has any issues with the same pump.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. It was a great read and helpful!
Sometimes it could be a compatibility with anatomy issue. I knew someone who had complained that they were unable to use their pump effectively because their nipple had been too long for an effective suction to develop! So it might help to ask the company if they have options that would accommodate that kind of road block if it’s none of the above.
Your suggestions to inspect the valves, membranes, and connectors are something every Medela user should know. Knowing when to replace these parts is essential for maintaining optimal suction. Your article covers everything from basic troubleshooting to more advanced solutions, and I appreciate the comprehensive guidance.
These tips can exclude issues that can be adjusted easily at home, before contacting customer service! Tank you for these ideas!
My niece uses pump. I will have to share this post with her. This tips would be helpful, for sure.
This used to happen to me all the time, and it was usually the valve. Fortunately, it was an easy fix! It is good to have a bunch of ways to troubleshoot suction issues.