There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding baby sleep that have been perpetuated over time. Here are some common baby sleep myths:

Myth: Newborns should sleep through the night.
Fact: Newborns have tiny stomachs and must feed every two to three hours. It is normal for them to wake up frequently during the night to feed, especially if your breastfeeding or feeding breastmilk.
Myth: Babies who sleep longer during the day will sleep better at night.
Fact: Babies who sleep longer during the day may be overtired and have trouble settling down to sleep at night. It is important to establish a consistent sleep routine that works for your baby.
Myth: You should keep your baby awake during the day so they will sleep better at night.
Fact: Keeping your baby awake during the day can make them more fussy and overtired, making it harder for them to sleep at night.
Myth: Babies who sleep in the same room as their parents will never learn to sleep alone.
Fact: Babies who sleep in the same room as their parents for the first six months of life have a lower risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). After six months, you can gradually transition your baby to their own room.

Myth: You should always wake a sleeping baby.
Fact: It is not necessary to wake a sleeping baby unless instructed to do so by a healthcare professional. Babies will wake up naturally when they are hungry or need a diaper change.
Myth: Adding rice cereal to the baby’s bottle will make them sleep longer.
Fact: Introducing solids, including rice cereal, should be done based on the baby’s readiness and not solely for the purpose of improving sleep. It is not a guarantee that adding cereal to a bottle will result in longer sleep stretches. It’s best to consult with a pediatrician before introducing solids to your baby.
Myth: Babies who wake up frequently are manipulating their parents.
Fact: Babies have various needs and communicate through crying. Waking up at night is often due to hunger, discomfort, a need for closeness, or other genuine reasons. Responding to your baby’s needs and providing comfort is essential for their emotional well-being and bonding.
Myth: Letting a baby cry-it-out will teach them to self-soothe and sleep better.
Fact: The cry-it-out method suggests leaving the baby to cry for extended periods without parental comfort. However, this approach may not be suitable for all families, and there are alternative methods that prioritize gentle sleep training and responsive parenting. Each family should choose an approach that aligns with their values and their baby’s needs.
It is important to remember that every baby is unique and may have different sleep needs. It is best to consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your baby’s sleep patterns.

I don’t know how people can ever let a baby cry it out. 🙁 Plus whenever I’d hear my baby cry, my milk would let down so that wasn’t fun.
My son was an excellent sleeper. My daughter was not.
I’m a huge proponent of letting newborns set their own schedule. Feed, sleep, awake, etc, all whenever they want to, and for however long they need to. Before they’re 3 or 4 months old, they need to be in tune with their own needs.
I never understood the phrase “sleep like a baby” because mine never slept! It was a difficult stage but we got through it!
It’s astonishing to me that people feel like babies have enough forethought to be manipulative, I would have thought this one was a joke if I didn’t hear it come out of someone’s mouth myself!!
Well my son was a really great sleeper. My daughter is also a sleepyhead lol
I love these tips but will say that I did find that by adding rice cereal to my daughters formula and/or bread milk bottles….. that she slept more soundly and longer because she felt fuller. It worked for me so not sure that is a myth.
Thank you for debunking these common baby sleep myths! It’s important for parents to have accurate information and realistic expectations regarding their baby’s sleep patterns. Your article provides valuable insights and helps dispel misconceptions. Keep up the great work in sharing helpful and evidence-based advice!
definitely agree that as parents, we need to see what works best for our little ones.. and not blindly follow what we hear.. sometimes what works for others will not work for us..
I never believed in any of these myths! Babies go on their instincts, and it makes me sad to think that people still use the cry it out method to try to change their newborn’s instincts. My babies were not good sleepers, but I went with it. Honestly, it is not a very long period of time when they are newborn, and they grow up so fast!