Most of us make bad health decisions daily on a daily basis and we know it. We all know what lack of physical activity does to our bodies and how junk food affects our figure. However, not many people know how some bad habits affect their vision and eye health. So, here are some of the most common bad habits that are harming your eyes.

Not Wearing Prescription Glasses or Sunglasses
Wear glasses your doctor prescribed to you! If you don’t, you’ll squint which leads to eyestrain and pain. It’s also a common reason people have headaches.
Additionally, when you’re going outside, especially on a bright and sunny day, don’t forget your sunglasses. Good sunglasses will block UV rays that can damage your eyes with long exposure. Also, if you notice that you’re especially sensitive to light, sunglasses can alleviate the bright light and reduce eye pain, headaches, eye redness, and blurred vision.
Not Using Safety Goggles
If your safety team at work insists you wear safety goggles, don’t mess around. Wear them no matter how silly you think you look. Additionally, buy a pair for home use, too. Many eye injuries happen at home while doing everyday chores or DIY projects, so don’t risk it.
Wear them while cleaning, especially if you use strong cleaning products with dangerous chemicals, like bleach, ammonia, and toilet or drain cleaner. Also, put them on when handling power tools, cutting wood or using hot styling tools.

Looking at Screens Too Much
Try not to look at your phone for hours at a time. Most cell phones contain a lot of tiny text you need to strain your eyes to read, which can result in eye pain, dryness, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. Actually, looking at any screen (and that includes TV, phone, computer, e-reader), especially in the dark before bed, is quite bad for your eyes. Your eyes have to work overtime to process rapid changes in light levels which causes extra eyestrain and pain. Plus, it also disrupts your sleep schedule!
Improper Wear of Eye Makeup
In theory, everything that comes near your eyes is a potential hazard and that includes eye makeup too. Mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and all eye creams can get into your eye and cause redness, irritation, and even infections. So, be cautious when applying eye makeup and keep it way from direct contact with your eye. Also, don’t use products that are expired, since bacteria thrive in moist and dark environments your makeup provides.
Rubbing Your Eyes
When your eyes are itchy and irritated, rubbing them might seem very tempting. However, you can rupture tiny blood vessels under the eyelid and make things even worse. Using a cold compress is a much safer way to ease irritation.

Falling Asleep with Contacts
Everyone who wears contacts has fallen asleep in them at least once. When you wake up, you usually get greeted with discomfort and irritation. Leaving your contacts in your eyes for long periods of time without giving your eyes a break. Constantly wearing contacts to sleep can also cause infections and even serious and permanent damage to the eye. Additionally, make sure to choose the right contacts for your eye, your condition, and your lifestyle. Your safest bet is to opt for quality Biomedics contacts that are comfortable and convenient.
Unhealthy diet
A diet rich in citrus fruits, vegetable oils, nuts, whole grains, leafy greens, and fish is crucial for eye health. However, proper hydration is a key ingredient for good vision. You’ll produce tears and keep your eyes well-lubricated. Also, try to stay away from foods that are too salty, since they dehydrate your body.
If you recognize yourself in any of these bad habits, try your best to fix them and replace them with the ones that are good for your eyes. This way, you’ll have 20/20 vision long into the future. Don’t forget to schedule a yearly eye exam.

Not being properly hydrated during your lifetime will come back and bite you bad. I’m 65 and have lived a healthy lifestyle because of the health issues in my family. Even though I drink a lot of water I still need the meds that make your eyes not as dry and insurance doesn’t cover that. That med is about $500 and there is no generic! Keep hydrated!
I’m guilty of a few of these. I think we all have habits that are not good for us.
Eek, I know I look at screens way too much. I am trying hard to keep my eyes safe. I got Lasik years ago and want them to last!
I just had an eye exam and I was surprised that my vision improved. I wonder if my increase in green veggies helped?
This is a really great and very informative post, I’m gonna share this with my sister too. Thanks for sharing this
I didn’t know some of this, this is really informative! Now I know what to avoid
I have some eye problems, so I should start following these advice!
I’ve always had perfect vision but I do feel lately my eyes get tired when I read. I bought some readers but I’m not sure they help much. I definitely stare at screens way too much.
Also, reading with the book or phone too close to your face, apparently! My optometrist recently scolded me when he saw me reading in the waiting room with the book too close to my face! This will also over-strain your eyes.
It’s so important to take care of our eyes, and I learned a lot from reading your article. I never realized that rubbing our eyes or using old makeup could be damaging. I’ll definitely be more mindful of these habits in the future!
I really enjoyed this article; I didn’t realize that all these things that you mention here are harmful to your eyes. I will keep in mind all of these habits in the future.
I am guilty of not always wearing sunglasses. I also should wear protective goggles more.