How to Talk to a Preteen Girl About Getting Their Period

Are you looking for ways on how to talk to a preteen girl about getting their period? As your child approaches puberty, it is important to have this conversation with your child so that she is prepared for the day her period arrives. Talking to girls about periods is an important and sensitive topic that can help them feel informed, confident, and supported. Here are some steps to approach the conversation:

How to Talk to a Preteen Girl About Getting Their Period

Create a Comfortable Environment

Always choose a private and comfortable setting for these types of conversations with your preteen girl. This can be an embarrassing topic for them and you want her to feel comfortable. It is best to find a place that is free of distractions and interruptions. Also, make sure you are calm and composed during this tough conversation. As a mom, if you are relaxed, it will help your child feel at ease.

Start with the Basics

Use age-appropriate language to and adapt the terms to her level of understanding. You will want to explain to her what getting a period is and why it happens. Do explain that it is part of growing up and a sign of a healthy body. Also, when explaining it to your child, you may want to use graphics or heath materials online to help you explain it. Always stick to the facts only.

Normalize the Conversation

Let her know that having a period is normal and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Do encourage her to talk to you anytime about this subject. If you feel comfortable, you can even share your own experience with getting your period for the first time. Explain to her how you handled it when your period started.

Provide Practical Information

Use online diagrams to help explain to her the four different stages of the menstrual cycle. This will help her understand how often periods happen, how long they typically last, and what she can expect each month. Also, emphasize the importance of maintaining good hygiene while she is on her period.

Create a Basket of Menstrual Products

Go to the store and pick out several different types of menstrual products for your child to use when the time comes. Or you can purchase a period starter kit here on Amazon (aff link). The period starter kit comes with some goodies to help her get through her first period.

How to Talk to a Preteen Girl About Getting Their Period

Address Concerns and Myths

There are some common symptoms when your period is close to showing up. Many young girls and women have PMS (premenstrual syndrome), cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, moodiness, acne, backache, and a few other symptoms. You can find a full list here. Also, talk about any misconceptions that she may have heard from friends or even in the media.

Encourage Questions

Do encourage your child to ask questions. Let her know that there are no questions that are too silly or embarrassing. Be open and honest when answering her questions. If you can’t answer it, try to look it up online and then explain to her what you found.

Offer Continuous Support

Always be available so that she can come to you anytime she has questions or needs your support. You can also provide her with books, educational websites, or other resources about getting her period so that she can learn at her own pace.

Tips for Specific Situations

Your child may be anxious or scared of getting her period. Always acknowledge her feelings and provide her with the necessary reassurance. Explain to her that it is okay to feel that way and that she isn’t alone.

If she has just recently started her first period. It is important to guide her through what to do next, how to handle it at school, and show her how to take the immediate steps she needs to take to deal with her first period.

Learning how to talk to a preteen girl about getting their period can be a sensitive topic. But the goal is to make her feel informed, comfortable, and supported. By approaching the conversation with empathy, openness, and factual information, you can help her navigate this new stage of her life confidently.

How to Talk to a Preteen Girl About Getting Their Period

What other tips do you have on how to talk to a preteen girl about getting their period?

6 thoughts on “How to Talk to a Preteen Girl About Getting Their Period”

  1. I was so open with my daughter. To the point where she had a Period Party when she got hers! I think it’s important that girls never feel ashamed talking about it. Periods don’t have to be secret.

  2. I have a preteen who got her period early this year, and it is so important to guide and support them with this situation. Talking to them and letting them ask questions helps them to understand things about menstruation.

  3. I agree with you about normalizing the conversation. My mom and I had this talk way before I got my first period so when I finally got it, I was not scared or surprised at all. Thank you for the tips and a basket of essentials sounds wonderful.


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