Is Nighttime Bed Wetting a Cause for Concern?

Having a child wake up with soggy sheets and clothing can be worrisome, but rest assured: Nighttime bed wetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is a common issue among children. It tends to happen to kids ages 4 to 12, and even older in certain instances. Do keep in mind that children under the age of 6 are still developing their nighttime bladder control. If your child is dealing with nighttime bed wetting, don’t be afraid to bring it up at your child’s next pediatrician appointment.

Nighttime Bed wetting causes

A child who has issues with frequent nighttime bed wetting, is probably embarassing to them but it can also cause feelings of stress and guilt for wetting the bed. NEVER punish or ridiculed for having an accident. Punishment or ridiculing your child can cause deeper emotional issues or there could be a medial reason why your child is still wetting the bed at night. However, if your child is over the age of 7 it might be worth taking to your child’s doctor about to rule out a potential medical issue.

There are several potential reasons why children may wet the bed at night, and it can be a source of concern for parents. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

It’s Normal

Bedwetting is considered normal for children up to the age of 5 or 6 years old. Many children outgrow nighttime bed wetting on their own without any intervention. But don’t believe the myth that you can train your child to stop bed wetting.

Physical Causes

Bedwetting can be caused by physical factors such as an overactive bladder, delayed development of bladder control, or hormonal imbalances. If you are concerned, it’s important to consult with your child’s pediatrician to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Causes Nighttime bed wetting

Psychological Causes

Emotional factors such as stress, anxiety, and changes in routine or environment can also contribute to nighttime bed wetting. It’s important to consider any potential emotional or psychological triggers that may be impacting your child’s nighttime bladder control.

Promoted Good Sleep Hygiene

Ensuring that your child has a regular sleep routine, including regular bedtime and wake-up times, can help establish healthy sleep patterns that may reduce the risk of bedwetting.

Limiting Fluids Before Bedtime

Restricting your child’s fluid intake, especially in the evening hours, can help reduce the likelihood of bedwetting. However, it’s important to make sure your child stays properly hydrated during the day.

Bedwetting Alarms

Bedwetting alarms are devices that can help condition a child to wake up when they need to use the bathroom. These alarms typically consist of a moisture sensor that triggers an alarm when it detects wetness. Bedwetting alarms can be effective in helping children become more aware of their body’s signals and learn to wake up to use the bathroom.

Encouragement and Support

It’s important to be patient, supportive, and understanding towards your child if they are experiencing bedwetting. Avoid shaming or punishing your child, as this can lead to emotional distress and exacerbate the issue. Instead, provide reassurance, praise progress, and offer encouragement.

causes of bed wetting at night

Bed Wetting Statics

  • 43% of parents incorrectly believe that bedwetting can be “trained” to stop wetting the bed.
  • 41% of parents are frustrated because their child wets the bed.
  • 51% seek a better overall bedwetting product
  • It’s true that boys are more likely to wet the bed than girls.

How to Prevent Bed Wetting at Night

I had a child that wet the bed freqently and it was very frustrating but my child couldn’t help it. My child took medication to be able to sleep at night due to ADHD. Before medication, my child wasn’t sleeping at all. And because of bed wetting my child never went on a sleep over either.

The best thing that help me was to buy a waterproof mattress protector. This helped prevent urine from soaking into the mattress and becoming soiled. But this may not be the best option for you. Here are a few other things that I tried.

  • Have your child go to the bathroom right before bed even if they don’t feel the urge. But have them try anyhow.
  • Try eliminating drinking any fluids after a certain time in the evening. We aimed to stop fluids two hours before bedtime.
  • Use GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear
  • Never give your child caffeine after dinner time. Actually it is best to avoid it altogether
  • Get your child a bed wetting alarm.
  • Try using a waterproof mattress liner or plastic sheet on their bed. This will prevent urine from soaking into the mattress.
  • Place medical disposable underpads on their bed and have your child sleep on them.
  • Set your child’s alarm to get up in the middle of the night to urinate.
  • Determine if they are taking any medications that could cause them to wet the bed such as medications that make them drowsy.
  • Have your child wear waterproof underwear or plastic pants that go over their underwear.
  • If they are having accidents during the day as well, your child might be distracted and waiting to long to go to the bathroom.
nighttime bed wetting tips

When to Call the Doctor

It is time to visit with your child’s doctor if they are over the age of 7, to rule out a potential medical issue. There are several medical issues that could cause your child to wet the bed.

  • Snoring
  • Small bladder
  • Inability for your child to recognize that they have a full bladder
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Increase of stress either at home or in school
  • Medication
  • Urinary tract or kidney infection
  • Sleep apnea
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic constipation
  • and other issues as determined by your child’s doctor

Make Sleepovers Possible with GoodNites TruFit Underwear

GoodNites TruFit Underwearf

Has you child wanted to go spend the night at their friends house but is to worried that he/she might have an accident during the night. Research from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that psychologically, children who wet the bed do not want to participate in fun activities, such as sleepovers, because of their fear and embarrassment. But your child no lonhger has to miss out ongoing on a sleep over with GoodNites Trufit Underwear.  GoodNites* TRU-FIT* real underwear were created using real underwear with night time protection. The Tru-Fit has special absorbent inserts that secretly fit inside of their underwear to leave them confident and dry while away from home. The body-hugging fit holds the disposable, absorbent insert comfortably in place. If your child has an accident, they simply slip off their under wear and turn them inside out and drop the disposable pad into the trash. Now they can spend the night with their friends house and feel more confident at bedtime. Plus, their friends will think they are wearing underwear.

GoodNites TruFit Underwear Information

More Facts About GoodNites* TRU-FIT*

GoodNites® brand is introducing a completely new kind of bedtime protection: GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear. GoodNites* TRU-FIT* is machine-washable, real underwear with disposable, absorbent inserts that help keep sheets and PJs dry all night.

  • GoodNites* TRU-FIT* offers a new choice for parents and children looking for a superior bedwetting product to help have a better night, every night.
  • 87% of Moms that tried the product said that TRU-FIT* will make their kids more confident
  • GoodNites* TRU-FIT* is available now at select national retailers for purchase
  • GoodNites* TRU-FIT* is available for boys and girls in sizes S/M and L/XL with colors and patterns for each size
  • GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear is accompanied by a disposable, absorbent insert – designed to protect sheets and PJs all night
  • Disposable, absorbent insert should be discarded after each night’s use
  • GoodNites* TRU-FIT* offers a new choice for parents and children looking for a superior bedwetting product to help families have a better night, every night

You can download a GoodNites* TRU-FIT* coupon for $3 off at

Purchase GoodNites Tru-Fit for boys here (aff link) and girls here (aff link). Don’t forget to purchase mor4e of the pad refills (aff link) too.

Remember, bedwetting is a common issue that many children experience and most children outgrow it over time. However, if you are concerned about your child’s bedwetting or if it persists beyond the age of 5 or 6, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and appropriate management strategies.

Is Nighttime Bed Wetting a Cause for Concern?

Have you ever had to deal with nighttime bed wetting?

16 thoughts on “Is Nighttime Bed Wetting a Cause for Concern?”

  1. That sounds like a great product! I remember growing up there was a kid who wouldn’t do sleepovers for that reason. It makes them feel left out.

  2. One of my kids struggled with bedwetting for quite some time. Lots of people are judgey about using disposables but I found that they made everything far less stressful for ALL of us. And guess what? With a good routine and lots of reminders, my child grew out of it! 🙂 I would def recommend them for other parents out there!

  3. You have some great advice here. My kids never went through this, but I do know some of their friends did.

  4. Luckily neither of my kids struggled with bed wetting, however I know some others who have. I know how hard it can be, but luckily there are ways to help.

  5. These are all great tips and information to share to new parents and those struggling with kids bed wetting.

    • Such a perfect topic for a lot of parents, many of us can relate to this. This is a really great and very informative post!

  6. My niece had some bed wetting issues and her mother was so concerned! These are awesome advice to start with!

  7. Helpful advice! My youngest son is already asking us not to put a diaper on him during the day but we are still a bit nervous to let him go to bed without one. I’ll try these tips and see how everything will go from there.

  8. I definitely would never shame a child for bed wetting. I do think it should get checked out though if a child is still wetting the bed as he or she gets older. My nephew needed sleep study done.

  9. This is really helpful advice. First time parents will be concerned in some instances. It can be frustrating but with a little patience most often they get through it.

  10. I love how accepting and understanding this post is about bed wetting by older children. One of mine had an issue with bed wetting until they were a little bit older and it was due to a hormonal imbalance, nothing at all that they could have done to help themselves about it just needed our patience and understanding because yes, they were embarrassed enough as it was! They did grow out of it eventually when their hormones balanced out.

  11. Great tips here for sure and I know my grandmother would limit our drinks after a certain time when. we were younger. That does work 😉


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