Are you using the McDonald’s app to save money or to place mobile orders? We have and we love it; however, it isn’t as secure as you think it is. Yes, you heard me correctly. The McDonald’s app has security flaws and you should be monitoring your account closely to prevent McDonald’s app fraud.
In the last 6 months, one of our accounts associated with the McDonald’s app had been hacked twice. Yes, twice. Both times, the hackers charged over $25.00 worth of food using the credit card information that is stored within the app. The first time, the card was canceled immediately. You know how much of a pain in the rear it is to get a new card and update everything that you have auto drafted from the account.
On Friday night, while sitting in bed watching television a notification from the bank popped up, stating that someone paid for food at McDonald’s in California. Mind you, I live near Fort Worth, Texas. After logging into the bank app to confirm the charge was legit. The pending charge showed the store number and location and then googled the phone number to McDonald’s store number listed on the transaction.
The phone call took place immediately and spoke to a manager to verify if the food hasn’t been delivered to the “hacker” yet. The manager put an immediate hold on the order and didn’t deliver it to the perpetrators. After contacting the fraud department at McDonald’s, there was nothing that they could do on their end and that it had to be disputed with the bank.

Current Password Requirements for Creating an Account to Use To Access the McDonald’s App
McDonald’s app requires that your password be between 6 and 12 alphanumeric characters and must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number. It doesn’t allow you to create secure passwords that aren’t easily cracked. Without the ability to use special characters or longer passwords, the password that you create when you sign up isn’t strong enough to keep potential hackers out.
What Makes a Password Strong?
To create a strong password, the app should give you the ability to make longer passwords using a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols. You also don’t want to use any personal information of any form when you select a password. Also, skip using words that are easily guessed or are in the dictionary. The stronger the password you use the less vulnerable you are to McDonald’s app fraud.
You can use a password generator to create a strong password if you need help or if you come up with a sentence to help you remember your password. For example, use the sentence: Walmart takes @ll My $ after Payday 2. Your password would be Wt@m$aP2. Keep in mind the longer the password the better off you will be as long as you use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
Use Facebook or a Google Account to Login to the McDonald’s Mobile Ordering App
McDonald’s app does give you the ability to use your Facebook API or Google

Do Monitor All Apps That Require Financial Information
With technology and unsecured apps, it gives cybercriminals and hacker’s access to more financial data. It is almost a dream come true for them while it is a major annoyance to us. Once you discover that your financial information was stolen, you have to spend several hours on the phone with your bank to report the
They are able to hack people’s username and passwords or even gain access to your credit/debit card or even your bank information. Once they have your financial information, they will attempt to make fraudulent charges costing businesses more than $445 billion dollars annually.
It is important that you monitor any app that has access to your financial information such as the McDonald’s mobile ordering app, to avoid McDonald’s app fraud. Careful monitoring can help you catch fraudulent charges quickly. See if you bank allows you to sign up to receive push notifications every time there is activity on your account. If it wasn’t for the notification from the bank, my ex-husband wouldn’t have likely caught the charge quickly or he might have missed it all together.
How to Avoid Fraudulent Charges Using the McDonald’s App
To protect yourself from potential fraudulent charges when using the McDonald’s app, we recommend that you follow these tips.
- Don’t store your credit card number in the app.
- Create your account and only use the coupons when you order in the drive thru or at the front counter.
- Delete the app entirely.
- If you want to use the mobile order, it appears that using the Facebook API seems safer (knock on wood). But it is important that you continue to monitor your account.
Don’t be a victim and let hackers have access to your McDonald’s mobile ordering and pay app. As I mentioned earlier, one of our accounts has been hacked twice. Both times, a hacker was able to purchase over $25 worth of food using our financial information.
According to the store manager, this isn’t the first time a customer has called to alert the store that someone hacked their McDonald’s app. McDonald’s should be taking preventative measures to help keep your account information from falling into the wrong hands. Fraudulent charges will eventually cost consumers more money when businesses are forced to raise their prices in order to offset the real cost of dealing with cyber-criminals.

Yikes! I always worry my info will be stolen. I don’t like to put personal info in apps often. I don’t use this one even though I love McDonald’s. But I get a military discount and usually that’s better than the deals there.
Whew! I’m glad I never linked my credit card to the app. I only use it for their coupon deals, but half the time the app isn’t even working. This really makes me think about just deleting the whole app altogether now!
Wow! This McDonald’s situation is pretty darn scary. Thank you so much for sharing this info with us. We often believe that big corporations have everything under control when it comes to security. We trust them. But situations like this are a great reminder that we need to be careful and vigilant with our financial information and who we share it with via apps.
I don’t use that app but thanks for the heads up. I’ve been the victim of identity theft so I try to stay on top of things like this.
I have never used the app, and after learning about this, the more I’m not going to use the app. We’ll just go to the store. It’s close to where we live anyway.
I’m glad I don’t use apps like these. It’s sad that this is even happening though. It’s one reason why I won’t use the apps though.
Thank you for all these helpful tips. I usually don’t link my credit card info on any app. It’s really scary to experience this.
Thanks for sharing these tips. I am not using any McDonald app. Yes using credit card in any app is always scary.
Thanks for telling me about this! I have McDonald add installed on my phone! I hope no one had accessed my credit card info!
They can’t see the actual card info from my understanding but use your card on file to purchase food. 🙁 It is sad.
Thanks for sharing with us your story. I think I will avoid the McDonalds app now on!
This is so sad! One of my friends had this happen to her as well. I don’t remember if it was the McDonald app or another food/restaurant app but it sucks. Thanks for shedding light and sharing your story with us.
I will have to let my husband know. He had the app on his phone.
Just as I was thinking of downloading the app! Good thing I was able to read this article before I did anything. I usually turn down apps that require me to input credit card information. Better safe than sorry. And yes, a strong password is a must in anything we do online.
Oh I had no clue that McDonalds had an app. I’m going to see if any of my family members have it and let them now about this.
Yes, someone in califormia used my credit card 5 times to order. I received the receipt in the email. I called Credit card company to cancel my card.
McDonalds app is not safe. I will never use Mobil order or McDonalds for that matter.
So McDonald’s can’t do anything while the order is ongoing? What will happen to the order, will the hackers still get the food? This sucks…there are so many deals on the app and due to the pandemic I can’t use the kiosks inside.
Yes, the hackers get the food and you have to dispute the charge through your bank. I have found that using Apple pay and logging in via Facebook take control of the situation. With so many fraud and phishing scams out there, you have to be careful and watch your bank account closely.
Same exact thing happened to me!! I’m in Georgia and the card was used in california. Mcdonald’s didn’t care they said it was my fault they didn’t have hackers. The store manager said she has it happen 3-4 times a day! Deactivated my account with mcdonald’s
I don’t blame you. They have to know that they have a problem but just don’t care to fix it. Hope you were able to get your money back.