Learn Why I Am Saying No to Buying Easter Baskets

As Easter approaches, a majority of parents are rushing around trying to figure out what to put into their child’s Easter basket. I just don’t buy into the over-commercialization of Easter. Easter is more than baskets, bunnies, eggs, ducks, jelly beans, and candy.   I hope that I am not shunned as a Christian mom for telling my kids that I am saying no to buying Easter baskets.

Top Reasons Why I Am Saying No to Easter Baskets

Don’t worry our family teaches our children about the real reason for the season and why we celebrate the holiday. Keep reading to find out why I’m saying no to buying Easter baskets for our kids.   Christmas is over-commercialized and teaches kids the wrong message that they should get gifts under the tree if they behave.

Over the years, I have realized that this mentality just feeds on the generation of “give me everything that I want”. Sorry teenagers, but one day you will discover the mentality that I am talking about.   Anyhow, back to the reasons why I say no to buying Easter baskets for my children.


Growing up my parents always filled our baskets with fake grass, chocolate eggs, and an Easter Bunny. Today, parents are expected to fill their child’s basket with expensive goodies and a bunch of junk that they don’t need. The average family spent $150 dollars to fill their children’s Easter bunny. Spending this amount of money makes no sense to me and that is my biggest reasons for saying no to buying Easter baskets.

Junk Food

Easter baskets typically end up being mostly candy or other junk food that they don’t need. While I am not opposed to them eating junk occasionally but they don’t need 15 pounds of candy. Candy is filled with empty calories and it isn’t healthy for them. I do give them a small amount of candy but I don’t put it in a basket or have the Easter Bunny bring it.

We Don’t Have Room for the Junk

I could fill an Easter basket inexpensively if I hit up the dollar store or Target’s dollar spot. However, it would end up being junk that ends up at the bottom of the closet or it will end up as endless clutter around the house. There is no reason to add more junk to my home so I would rather say no to buying Easter bakets.

Stuffed Animals = Breeding Ground for Dust Mites

As an allergy sufferer, I realized that my kids had way too many stuffed animals. It didn’t dawn on me that having a ton of stuffed animals in the house or near my kids, was causing major health problems such as asthma and allergies. I ended up finding out after several doctor visits and breathing treatments that stuffed animals in their bedroom were a breeding ground for dust mites.   We were told to limit their collection to one or two of their favorite stuffed animals and get rid of the rest. So opt to skip purchasing those cute stuffed Easter bunnies. Don’t even get me started on the huge stuffed animals that have been making their appearance over the last year or two. If I get my kids a small treat, I skip stuffed animals and say no to buying Easter baskets.  

We Want to Teach our Kids That Every Holiday Doesn’t Equate to Gifts

It seems like every time we turn around throughout the year there is another holiday or celebration to attend. We want to teach our kids that each holiday wasn’t created for the opportunity to ask for things they want.   Don’t get me wrong, we don’t mind giving kids gifts we just don’t want them to expect it just because there is a holiday, like Easter. We want to teach them the real meaning of celebrating each holiday. This is another major reason why I say no to buying Easter baskets.

Do Plan a Family Celebration

Each year we always plan a family celebration with our kids. We always go to church as a family and then have lunch together at home. Family time is important and I much rather teach my kids that family time is a perfect way to celebrate.

Attend Easter Egg Hunts

We also allow our children the opportunity when they are younger to attend an Easter egg hunt. In the past, our church has always hosted an Easter egg hunt for the kids and we have let them participate until they were too old. I don’t want to ruin all of their fun so I let them participate in certain activities such as the Easter egg hunt. This lets me off the hook and I don’t have to explain to my children why I am saying no to buying Easter baskets.

Don’t Be Afraid to Skip the Easter Basket

Just because Easter has been over commercialized doesn’t mean that you need to give in to the pressure. Your kids might be upset that the Easter Bunny didn’t come to see them this year but they aren’t going to die if it doesn’t happen. You still can get your child 1 chocolate Easter bunny or a bag of their favorite Easter candy and give it to them on Easter Sunday.   The Easter Bunny doesn’t bring our kids an Easter basket and I don’t feel one bit guilty about skipping it. Easter is an important holiday that doesn’t involve the need to continue an old tradition. This old tradition is creating children who find an excuse to ask for everything they want without learning how to work for it.

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Do you buy your kids an Easter basket every year? Will you join us and say no to buying Easter baskets.

5 thoughts on “Learn Why I Am Saying No to Buying Easter Baskets”

  1. I love this and love that you teach them the real reason to the season! All of the marketing from companies looking to make lots of money off of the Easter tradition and season……… makes it so that the real reason for the seasons can be lost and forgotten. I love what you are doing!

  2. I agree with you. Easter is not about the bunnies, the candy and stuffed toys. It is about the Risen Christ. I taught my kids early on about the real reason why we celebrate Easter. No offense to those who gift their kids with Easter baskets. This is just how I was raised and how I raised my own kids. 🙂

  3. I totally agree with you. We also do not prepare Easter baskets in our family. Instead, we just celebrate together – like having lunch and an easter egg hunt and that’s enough for us. 🙂


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