What is the best summer sport for kids? January has flown by and next thing you know the kids will be out for the summer months. Summertime not only gives them a break from school but they have additional time on their hands to try new things. Summer sports sign-ups usually begin during the spring, which is why I am mentioning which summer sports are worth signing your kids up for so that they aren’t addicted to a television or another screen.
There are a ton of sports available for kids to choose from around your community. Start talking to your child today about signing up for the best summer sports for kids. Don’t let money stop your child from participating in a summer sport. There are opportunities for your child to participate that offer financial aid to kids in need. Also, don’t be afraid to explain the situation to your child’s coach if money is tight too. It is possible that another team member can donate their old uniforms, shoes, or equipment that they no longer need.
What are the Best Summer Sports for Kids?
With summer just around the corner, as a parent, keeping your child somewhat busy during the summer months is a must. Enrolling them in the best summer sports for kids not only will keep them busy but they will be out getting exercise instead of being a couch potato all summer long. I’ve included four classic sports and four out-of-the-box sports that they may want to give a try. Even though these are just a suggestion for the best summer sports for kids, there are plenty of alternative ideas for them to try. Sit down with your child and dig a bit deeper.

Soccer may be the most timeless sport available and very popular with the kids. There are community teams that form as early as three or four years old. Because of its popularity, there are a variety of competitive and recreational teams as they get older as well, meaning they can choose how they want to play.
Don’t have a summer outdoor soccer program available in your area. Try searching for an indoor soccer arena in your area. Indoor soccer is a ton of fun and most kids tend to think that it is one of the best summer sports for kids. Call your area soon to reserve your child’s spot on a team.
Baseball, tee-ball, and softball is popular in the spring and fall. However, there are teams that play during the summer months too. This is one of the best summer sports for helping your child improve their hand-eye coordination. Plus, the younger that your child starts playing the sooner they can learn the structure, rules, and layout of a game. Can’t find a league to play on during the summer, try enrolling your child in a sports camp to help improve their skills.
My older son really wanted to play baseball. However, we were told that unless he has played for years and due to the high number of students interested, they have to limit unskilled players. As a parent to me, this isn’t fair but I also understand the competition involved at that point. But schools should make a secondary team so that kids who want to try playing have the opportunity. Some kids are only exposed to exercise during physical education, sports at school, or during recess. It is no wonder today’s generation of kids growing up today suffer from obesity or live a sedentary lifestyle.

Tennis is another great sport that is offered at the middle school level. However, as I mentioned earlier, your child must already possess the skills needed in order to try out for the team. Starting your young one off with tennis lessons during the summer is a fantastic way to help improve their hand-eye coordination. This will give your child an advantage when they transition to middle school. Your child will already have the skills needed to play competitively.
But never fear, even playing tennis with their friends is a great way to get them outside and away from a screen. Have the grab some gear and a friend, then head to a local tennis court for a few games of tennis.
Dance may not be seen as a sport but it takes skills and coordination just like the other sports that we listed. Dancing is great for kids who don’t want to play head-on with another team or athlete. Instead, dance requires you to work alongside your peers while learning the technicals skills needed to perform a dance.
As a middle and high school student, having dance skills already will help improve your chances of being selected to perform on stage. Whether your child chooses theatre arts, cheerleading, learning hip hop dances moves, or tap/ballet. Performing takes both technical skills and you have to take care of your body so that you have the physical abilities to perform.
Don’t like dance, gymnastics is another team-self focused sport. Keep in mind that even gymnasts have to have some choreographed routines within their performance.

Rugby is a popular sport for kids in other countries but it is gaining popularity in the United States. Don’t get frustrated if there isn’t a league in your area yet. Give it time as it continues to gain popularity. This summer send your child off to a rugby camp. Camps are a great way to connect with other players while developing their skills in the sport.
A younger child may have a bit of a difficult time getting started but don’t let that stop them from learning a new sport. Gather up friends and help the sport take off. You can host mini-tournaments during the summer and get your kids accustomed to the rules of the game. It is always better to start off playing flag rugby and avoid rough contact.
Hopefully, by the time your seven or eight-year-old gets to the high school level, rugby will be added to the curriculum and turn it into one of the best summer sports for kids. As your child gets older, they will have to transition to the official game rules and parents you should expect to see rough play. Grab your child a mouthguard and help protect your child’s teeth. However, don’t be surprised if one of their teammates or an opponent ends up needing emergency dental care.
Jump Rope

The jump rope is not utilized as often as it was when I was growing up. However, it isn’t a dead sport. Learning how to jump rope takes practice, stamina, coordination, agility, both mentally and physically engaging. Jumping rope is also a full-body workout and can help prevent obesity in children. Whether you join a club or a private team, your child will be able to improve their individual skills and move on to learn the skills needed for team jump rope competitions.
Do you have a preteen? Archery is another great sport to get your child involved in. Search for an archery club for kids in your area to help find an archery team. If you are having trouble, you might even reach out to your local Boy Scouts chapter. They often teach archery during summer camp or on camping trips. Archery is a fun way to teach your child about athleticism that has more focus on personal development and less importance of running across a field.
Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is becoming one of the best summer sports for kids because it’s gaining prominence in more areas. Children as young as a kindergartner or even younger can start playing. There aren’t many rules that your child needs to learn prior to playing their first game. Best of all, it doesn’t require any fancy equipment. They will typically only need, shorts, gym shoes, and several frisbees.
During the summer, your child typically has a relaxed schedule leaving them vulnerable to sit in front of a screen all day. Signing your kids up for the best summer sports for kids is a great way to get them away from the screen and focused on being active. Not only will it keep them off the screen, fitness, and sports also help prevent obesity and you won’t give your child time to cause trouble or mischief.
I realize that it is only January but before you know it spring will be here. Many of the summer camps or rosters for these best summer sports for kids fill up quickly. So the sooner you sign them up, the sooner you know that their spot is guaranteed.