What are the Most Common Reasons for Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a common problem that many men and women face on a daily basis. Losing some hair is natural as your body sheds strands of hair in order to promote new hair growth. You can lose anywhere from 50 to 100 strands of hair on a daily basis. But if you notice that your losing more hair than normal there could be a reason for your hair loss.

There are two different medical terms for hair loss: telogen effluvium and anagen effluvium.

Hair Loss Causes

Telogen Effluvium

Like I mentioned above, it is normal to lose 50 to 100 strands of hair on a normal basis. There are a few conditions that can cause you to lose more than 50 to 100 strands on a daily basis. This condition is referred to as excessive shedding or the proper medical diagnosis is telogen effluvium.

Stress-Related Hair Loss

Excessive shedding is usually induced by stress-related events that are taking place in your life. It is often noticeable several months after the stressful event took place. However, if you are under constant stress you may continue to shed excessively for longer periods of time. Here are some examples of stress-related events that can trigger excessive shedding.

Hair Loss Reasons
  • stress
  • about 2 to 4 months postpartum
  • losing 20 lbs or more
  • job loss
  • divorce
  • caring for a loved one who is sick
  • had a recent surgery or procedure
  • illness especially with a high fever
  • stopping hormonal birth control

Excessive shedding will decrease once you reduce your stress levels and your body readjusts.

Anagen Effluvium

Hair loss can also have underlying medical reasons that trigger your body to stop growing new hair. It is important that if you notice that your hair is falling out and you don’t see any new growth, you should contact your doctor or a dermatologist to determine what is causing, anagen effluvium, your hair to stop growing.

Causes of Hair Loss

Medical Cause for Hair Loss

Your doctor will likely order a complete blood workup to see what is going on. Blood work can often reveal vitamin deficiencies, thyroid problems, autoimmune disorders, or other conditions that could affect your hair to stop growing.

How You Treat Your Hair

Also, your doctor will likely ask you about your hair care routine. Are you using harsh products such as bleach, perms, or other treatments that are known to destroy your hair? The way you style your hair could be contributing to losing hair, especially, if you use rubber bands or are rough with your hair. These factors can contribute to hair loss and even prevent new growth.

Causes of Hair Fall Out

Medication Side Effects

Medication side effects can also cause you to lose hair. So be sure, to be honest about all the medications that you take on a regular basis. Hair loss from medication can possibly be changed if necessary. But in some cases, it isn’t always possible to switch medications. Cancer medications are one of the most popular treatments that are known for hair loss. But there are also patients that take medications for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other autoimmune disorders that could be a cause of your hair loss.

Hereditary Predisposition

Hereditary predisposition may also be the culprit for hair loss. Women, tend to notice that their hair is thinning and men tend to notice a receding hairline or bald patch on the top of the scalp. Losing hair due to hereditary traits doesn’t require treatment. However, there are over-the-counter treatment options available for both men and women. Treatment isn’t necessary unless it makes you self-conscious or lowers your self-esteem. You can find a variety of products including wigs, toupees, creams, shampoos, or hair plugs available. Speak to a dermatologist to determent the right treatment option for you.

Reasons Hair Fall Out


Do you have anxiety? When you are anxious, you may find yourself fidgeting, bouncing your leg, twirling or tugging on your hair, or other self-soothing methods. Treating your anxiety may help reduce the urge to pull or twirl your hair. However, you will also have to make a conscious decision to stop yourself when you notice that you are doing it.

Hair loss is a common ailment that men and women face regularly. Losing some of your hair is normal; however, it isn’t normal for your hair to fall out in clumps or if you notice sudden changes in your hair. Oftentimes, there is a reason for your hair loss. Once you find the cause of your hair loss, you can focus on treatment options based on your doctor’s or dermatologist’s recommendation.

What are the Most Common Reasons for Hair Loss?

Have you ever experienced hair loss? Did you know there were so many common reasons for hair loss?

15 thoughts on “What are the Most Common Reasons for Hair Loss?”

  1. Being a nurse it hurts my heart when someone is insecure about their hair loss. A lot of times I’ve been it with hormones changing women bodies. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. A lot of people will relate on this i also have a friend and I’m gonna share it to her. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Definitely a great article to read and it’s very informative! I believe this is a major problem that most men/women problem that needs to attend to. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  4. That made for an interesting read. I know a few people that suffer from hair loss for different reasons. It can be quite hard for people to cope with.

  5. I think what I like the most about this post is that it doesn’t push for treatment for hair loss if it’s because of genetics, and that the hair loss in general is treated like a symptom and any suggestion to have it treated or checked out is out of concern for possible more serious causes.

  6. Hair loss can be a huge problem that can cause a lot of anxiety especially in young people. It’s important to understand exactly why the hair loss is happening!


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