How do you cope with holiday stress? Christmas is supposed to be filled with joy and gratefulness but more often than not, families are feeling the pressure of keeping up with “The Joneses”. The kids typically spend Thanksgiving day looking at the ads and dreaming of the things that they would love to get for Christmas. As parents, we want our kids to fill loved and get the items that they have been wishing for all year long. However, there is no reason for anyone to go overboard or go into debt just to make everyone else happy.
How to Cope With Holiday Stress
The closer it gets to Christmas even, the more stress you are likely going to feel. But there is no need to let holiday stress bother you this year. Not only is stress unhealthy it can actually cause your health to deteriorate as well. Put your holiday to-do list down and see what you can do to help reduce your holiday stress.

What are the Negative Effects of Holiday Stress?
Stress triggers a cascade of hormones to be released that causes your body to kick into survival mode. When your body is in survival mode, your muscles are tense, beads of sweat may appear on your forehead, notice your heart beating harder, and your breathing increased. The flight or fight mode was created to help your body naturally respond to life-threatening situations.
With the upcoming holiday quickly approaching, if you are constantly feeling stressed out, you can keep your body in the fight or flight response mode. Being in a state of constant fight or flight isn’t healthy and your body will start suppressing functions that are needed for survival. Chronic stress can trigger unwanted health problems and can interfere with daily living. Dealing with chronic stress during the holidays isn’t worth causing these unwanted health problems such as obesity, heart problems, depression or anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, asthma, lowered immune system, increased risk of suicide, premature aging, and even death. While death is highly unlikely with holiday stress but if you are always under constant stress, you need to talk to your health care provider immediately..
Common Signs of Holiday Stress
Everyone handles holiday stress differently but that doesn’t mean that it is justified your holiday stress in your mind. The best way to deal with holiday stress is to learn the common signs and symptoms so that you can adjust your life accordingly. Preventing holiday stress is the best way to go but I get it, sometimes life gets out of control. Look for these signs if you think that holiday stress is the culprit:
- moodiness
- irritability
- grouchy
- short-fused
- no longer satisfied with your job or other areas of your life
- crying spells
- depression
- anxiety
- binge eating
- emotional eating
- missing deadlines
- hiding from family or friends
- yelling
- easily frustrated

Ways to Reduce Stress During the Holidays
We wanted to take the time to share this information with you because holiday stress can be avoided with a bit of planning. Women don’t be surprised if you feel the brunt of the holiday stress (sorry men). But women generally take on more of the holiday planning, shopping, and even meal preparation for guests so they tend to get stress out if everything isn’t perfect.
Here are a few ways to help reduce holiday stress:
- get some exercise
- make a to-do list
- stick to your budget
- delegate tasks as needed
- don’t overcommit and learn to say “no”
- go outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine
- stick to your healthy habits
- don’t stress about everything being perfect
- set aside any differences or family issues
- limit alcoholic beverages
- try diffusing essential oils such as lavender or Peace & Harmony (aff link)
- indulge in self-care
Holiday Stress Management Infographic

Infographic Credit: True Stress Management
The closer the holidays get, the more stressed out that you are likely feeling. Holiday expectations always seem to get bigger and bigger with each passing year. Often times we don’t realize how we fall into the “more, more mentality” or strive to “keep up with the Joneses”.
Knowing the signs and symptoms of stress at Christmas time can help increase your overall awareness. When you are feeling stressed out from the holidays, take a step back from reality and take a few deep breaths. We hope that you have a stress-free holiday with your family and friends.

I really enjoyed this post, I think it’s so important to strategize now for the holidays.
These are great tips! I think a lot of times we let the unimportant things get to us during the holiday months.
You have some helpful ideas here. I do get stressed during the holidays at times because let’s face it, it’s the women that usually get stuck doing nearly everything.
The holidays will be here way too soon. I do think that now is a good time to prepare for the stress.
Holiday stress is usually par for the course! It is good to have some tips to help push through the holidays with minimal stress.
Delegate tasks as needed is super important and really helps reduce my stress. I just can’t do it all on my own!
I can totally relate to this holiday stress thing. This article is so helpful
These are so helpful, Thanks for the perfect timing. I usually overcommit myself and my family during the holidays. This year we are scaling back for sure.
Thanks for this wonderful article, gives a lot of information to cope with holiday stress! As we are now in the Ber months, many major holidays is on the way! This is a big help to ease this kind of stress!
I hate to be stressed. I try to keep my schedule as free as possible because doing too many things without any time to rest in between stresses me out. #introvert
Great minds! I just wrote an article like yours for my Christmas blog. It is an important topic, especially these days.
These are all really great and very helpful tips! I really need this! Thanks for sharing this with us!
These are good suggestions to help with the holiday blues!
I still stressed about the back to school. I need to be prepared to avoid at least the Christmas stress.
GREAT tips here for sure as the holidays can be so overwhelming. I love the season thought and cannot wait!