Does your child have a fascination with frogs? Check out these frog lesson plans for preschoolers. I have fond memories of when my son found his first frog. It was hoping down the sidewalk shortly after the rain stopped one afternoon. As he walked up to it closely, the frog would hop away and my son would chase it until he was able to get close enough to study it. With springtime just around the corner, you can start using these frog lesson plans for preschoolers now. Let’s take a look at some things to teach your child while adding content to your lesson plans.
Life Cycle
The best way to find tadpoles can be found near the banks of a stream, pool, lake, or in shallow standing water. They are usually found in large groups and near algae to hide from predators.

If you plan on catching tadpoles to take home to raise, you will need to make sure it isn’t illegal in your area. Tadpoles need special care if you plan on raising them. During the tadpole stage, they tend to feed on algae and other plants in order to store enough energy to morph into the frog stage. Frogs tend to feast on insects, worms, snails, and slugs so you will need to provide them with proper food.
Instead, of catching a tadpole, this Tadpole to Frog Growing kit (aff link) includes one free tadpole and all the necessary items needed to take care of it properly. Simply set up the kit and watch your tadpole morph into a frog. Make sure that you check on your daily so that you can watch the frog’s life cycle in action.
Read Frog Books
Books are a great way to show your child frogs. Offer a wide variety of frog books either from the library or using EPIC (aff link)! Before heading out to your local pond to frog hunting, check out some of the books that teach your child about the characteristics of frogs. Frogs are amphibious creatures that can spend their time in the water and on land. They typically have slimy skin and ooze secretions out of their body to help protect their skin. Some toads even have poisonous secretions and have bumpy skin compared to a frog. Don’t believe the old wives tale that warns you that frogs will give you warts. This is an untrue myth; however, a frog is known to pee on you.
Create a Frog Sensory Bin
Sensory bins are a popular way to incorporate hands-on learning for children. Grab an empty bin and fill it with green or blue-colored rice. Then add plastic eggs, frogs, insects, plants, rocks, moss, and a lilypad. Let your child find them and identify each item. Then discuss how each item is related or helps the frog. This is a popular activity when it comes to creating frog lesson plans for preschoolers.
Draw a Frog Life Cycle
Have your child draw a frog life cycle to show each stage of the life cycle starting with frog eggs. If they can’t draw it, just have them label it or find free printable frog life cycle worksheet on Pinterest. Then after your child has completed the assignment, discuss each stage of the life cycle.

Frog Counting
Let’s implement our frog lesson into our math activity for the day. There are several ways to do this. Click on each lesson idea below:
- Frog Counting Sensory Bin: This is a super easy sensory bin to create for your kids and give them access to hands-on learning.
- Frog Math Game: This fun free printable math game makes learning addition fun for your child.
- Count and Trace Frogs Worksheet: This frog math worksheet can be laminated so that you can use it several times. It is a cute way to help your child learn their numbers from one to twelve.
Frog Shape Lessons
Frogs come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. You can turn learning how to identify shapes into a frog lesson for preschoolers. Click on each lesson idea below:
- Frog Pond Shape Match Activity: This activity allows the kids to match up the frog to their proper lilypad based on the matching shape.
- Match the Shapes: Each frog is missing a shape from its belly. Use the shapes below and place them on the frog’s belly.
- Cut and Paste Frog Matching Activity: This worksheet package isn’t free but I wanted to include it because it gives you several worksheets to help your child understand shapes.
The tadpoles will be hatching in a few months. Use these preschool frog lessons to guide you as you teach your preschooler about the journey a tadpole takes to become a frog.
My oldest son was very fascinated with frogs, and that one year he was slowly collecting them without my knowledge. He was placing them in bins where he punched breathing holes so that they could get air. On a daily basis, he would go outside and find bugs or insects to feed them. There was even water in their containers. One Saturday morning, we were getting ready to go out to eat or something for my birthday. before we left, three little frogs came jumping out of his room into the kitchen. This is when we discovered he had a bunch of frogs and toads hidden under his bed. I still laugh about it to this day when I think of frogs. Hopefully, your child doesn’t have this same level of fascination with frogs.
Play it safe and take your child frog hunting one afternoon. See how many frogs you can find. Pinterest has a wide variety of additional frog lesson plans for preschoolers available at your fingertips too.