Sadly there’s no current cure for cancer, but here are a couple of ways to possibly prevent it.
When most people hear the word “cancer,” they get pretty scared.
They usually think of hospitals, no hair, chemo, and the possibility of death.
No one wants to imagine themselves actually having cancer, and we only want to think of ways to prevent it from happening.
Although there are many different factors that go into someone getting cancer, such as family history, overall health, and sometimes environmental factors, there are some ways to help prevent this frightening diagnosis.
Here are six ways to help decrease the chances of getting cancer and help you to live an overall healthy lifestyle.

Get Immunized
In today’s day and age, immunizations are a hot topic, but the reality is that most immunizations actually help prevent certain types of cancer in the long run.
Some diseases like hepatitis B and human papillomavirus can lead to cancers such as liver cancer and cervical cancer but immunizations exist to specifically combat these diseases and help prevent getting infected with them. A simple immunization can help prevent cancer.
In the end, it’s better to be safe rather than sorry and get the necessary immunizations.
Regularly Visit the Doctor
One of the simplest and most obvious ways to prevent or get early intervention when it comes to cancer is regularly seeing your doctor.
Your doctor can not only do the necessary screenings and tests as needed to check if there is anything worrisome going on, but they can also give you specific advice on what you need to do for your body to prevent certain types of cancer.
You can also visit if you or your doctor feel it’s necessary, places like the Teton Cancer Institute or other cancer-related institutions for questions or things like mammograms and PET/CT scans.
Stay Away From Tobacco
This may seem like a pretty obvious one, but if there is one way to ensure that you will probably get some form of cancer it is to smoke or chew tobacco or tobacco products.
If at all possible stay very clear from tobacco, or if necessary take the steps to quit and try to not partake in it for the rest of your life.
Luckily there are many programs and helpful tools to help you quit if you need to and get the help to make sure you kick the habit for good.

Be Physically Active
Exercise is more than for your physique, it is actually an important way to prevent cancer.
The more physically active you are, the better it is for you. And it doesn’t have to be a crazy workout or a long run on the daily, but it can mean just getting up and moving every day of the week
Take a leisurely stroll, have a daily dance party, run around with your kids, but just be active every day.
Monitor Your Sun Exposure
Although some good old vitamin D is good for your health, too much of a good thing can turn it into a bad thing.
Too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer, which is actually the most common form of cancer. This is why it’s important to make sure to take the proper precautions when you know you will be in the sun for long periods of time.

Eat the Good Stuff
A good diet can help to keep your weight down and your chances of preventing cancer up.
Fruits and veggies high in antioxidants help to keep your body processing the good stuff and getting rid of the bad stuff. Also, healthy fats, proteins, and fiber are great ways to keep your body functioning at its best and decrease your risk of cancer.
Even though there are many different factors that cause cancer, caring for your body and following these tips will help you catch cancer, if you ever get it, quicker. There isn’t a cure for cancer but you can do things that prevent cancer and lower your risk.

I try to do a lot of this. Though I know my diet isn’t the best. I do like my junk food 😉
These are all wonderful tips. I know sometimes this doesn’t always help either, but it’s good to take the extra steps anyways.
I read this after eating some oreos but hey, moderation right? I do wish insurance would cover a yearly full body scan to check for cancer. Wouldn’t that be nice?
These are all ways to be healthier overall! I think the easiest to skip is seeing a doctor regularly – so many people wait until they are sick to go but it’s actually just as important when you aren’t!
Love these tips and diet is fo sure everything. I am learning so much and may be changing my diet all together but still doing my research. These are all great tips and anything to prevent is a plus by me!
These are wise advice. I need to start to be more careful and do more to prevent this disease in the future!
These seem like pretty good tips to help reduce the risk of cancer.
These are all important things to do to prevent getting ill/sick.
Having a doctor’s appointment at least twice a year is a must.
These are all great tips. Eating lots of fruits and veggies is definitely important.
These all seem like amazing tips to help reduce the risk of cancer. Thanks for sharing!
I wish my dearest sister-in-law knew these tips! We lost her to cancer in 2020 🙁 She neglected her underarm acne and it killed her! A regular body check-up is a must.
Thanks for sharing. I agree – especially about exercise – I’m 47 and have only recently started exercising! I’ve never been particularly sedentary – but now that I’m properly doing at least 40 mins a day, walk/run – I honestly feel so much better – I sleep better, my mind is clearer. I can’t emphasis enough the importance of exercise and health.