What Are The Lifelong Benefits of Signing Kids for Sports?

What Are The Lifelong Benefits of Signing Kids for Sports 1 (1)

Spring is just around the corner and signups for spring sports are already starting to get passed around. It’s recommended that you let your kids do some sort of sport when they hit kindergarten age. This is when they are more developmentally ready to join a team and follow instructions. If you have a youngster … Read more

6 Proven Benefits of Eating Meals Together as a Family

6 Proven Benefits of Eating Meals Together as a Family (1)

Do you sit down to eat dinner together on a regular basis? Sitting down to eat meals together as a family can be tough for a busy family especially if you are juggling after-school activities, working late, or running your kids to their extracurricular activities during the week. But there is proven research available that … Read more

3 Ways To Eliminate Your Child’s Fear of Going to the Dentist

Overcoming Child's Fear of Going to the Dentist (1)

Does your child fear going to the dentist? You are not the only one. Many children fear the dentist because of the strange noises and, oftentimes, pain that accompany their visits. There are a few things that you, as their parent, can do to help make their experience more enjoyable. Listed are three suggestions to … Read more

How to Conquer ADHD/ADD Homework Struggles

ADHD Homework Problems

At some point during your child’s school career, as a parent, you will run into a few homework challenges with your child. But when a child has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD), homework struggles and challenges are likely a sore subject in your household. Daily work and … Read more

How to Pay for Your Child’s College Expenses Without Going Broke

Are you stuck wondering how you are going to pay for your child’s college expenses? Going to college is expensive but for some occupations, it is a requirement to have a degree in order to get a job. Each year college rates are steadily increasing at least 6 or 7%, which is twice the rate … Read more