Summer is here and it’s time to find new ways to keep your kids entertained until school is back in session. Perhaps now is the perfect time to get them interested in cooking! Cooking with your kids is a great way to bond as a family while helping them develop important skills like following directions, measuring ingredients, and learning about nutrition. There are so many exciting and tasty food activities that you can do with your kids this summer. Gather up your ingredients, put on those aprons, and let’s get cooking!

Make Homemade Ice Cream
Summer and ice cream have always gone hand-in-hand. Making homemade ice cream with your kids is a fun and tasty way to beat the summer heat. When you make ice cream at home, you can experiment with creating different ice cream flavors and mix-ins. Plus, your kids will love seeing the transformation from liquid to creamy goodness. The easiest way to make homemade ice cream is by filling a gallon-sized bag halfway with ice and a bit of salt. In a smaller bag, mix together milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. Seal the small bag and place it inside the large bag. Have your kids shake the bag with wild abandon for 5 to 10 minutes and voila—you have delicious homemade ice cream!
Try Your Hand at Edible Art
Making edible art is a fun and creative activity that combines food and crafts. The simplest option involves only two ingredients: vanilla pudding and food coloring. Add the food coloring to the vanilla pudding and let your kids have fun finger painting on paper plates. This activity certainly doesn’t fall in the mess-free category, but your kids will love the opportunity to create art and enjoy a snack at the same time. This activity is great for younger children who might not have the patience for more complex baking projects.

Create DIY Candy Necklaces
Making DIY candy necklaces is a fun and nostalgic activity that kids of all ages will enjoy. All you need are string or twine and a selection of candies with holes in the middle, such as Lifesavers, gummies, or fruit rings. Cut the string to the desired length and tie a knot at one end. Then, thread the candies onto the string, alternating colors and shapes to create a fun pattern. You can also incorporate a few salty snacks when creating your necklaces to diversify the flavors a bit more. This activity is perfect for parties or playdates, and it makes the perfect accessory for your family outings to summer fairs and festivals.
Host Your Own Bake-Off
Take inspiration from our friends across the pond and host your own Junior Baking Show at home! This fun food activity for kids involves setting up a friendly competition where each family member or team creates their own baked goods. You can choose a theme, such as these Frozen 2 cupcakes, or leave it open-ended to see what creative ideas your kids come up with. If you have younger kids who aren’t ready to handle the oven, you can host a cookie or cake decorating competition instead. Once everyone finishes their masterpiece, you can judge the entries based on taste, presentation, and creativity. You can award prizes for different categories, like “most colorful” or “best use of a secret ingredient.”
You don’t have to go, go all summer long to keep the kids entrained. Let them try these fun food activities for kids. Not only is it fun to do, it is teaching them important life skills too.