How to Cope with Extreme Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Symptoms of SPD

Is extreme pelvic pain normal during pregnancy? As your uterus stretches to accommodate your growing baby, it is normal to feel occasional twinges, round ligament pain, and pressure in your pelvis. But it isn’t normal to feel extreme pain in your groin or low back. Disclosure: This post is for informational purposes only and not … Read more

5 Natural Ways to Relieve Constipation During Pregnancy


From the moment that you conceive your body kicks into overdrive increase the pregnancy hormone progesterone. Progesterone plays an important role during the first trimester to keep the uterus relaxed and helps prevent your immune system from attacking the foreign DNA (your growing fetus). The hormone also relaxes other smooth muscles, including your digestive system. … Read more

How to Buy Cheap Maternity Clothes

How to Buy Cheap Maternity Clothes

Pregnancy is an exciting time. But with all the expenses from the doctor, lab work, sonogram, and hospital expenses to all of the fun baby gear mounting, spending lavish amounts of money on maternity clothing doesn’t seem like a responsible thing to do. Don’t worry you won’t have to stay homebound or wearing your grandmother’s … Read more

The Best Baby Accessories for a New Mom

The Best Baby Accessories for a New Mom 1

Are you currently expecting? Are you having trouble determining which of the best baby accessories to buy? I remember when I was expecting my daughter at the age of 19, the Internet wasn’t around until after she was born and even then there wasn’t a wealth of information about what accessories that you need for … Read more