Are you looking for some ways to get free or cheap kids books so you can encourage your child to read? Reading is a crucial element and an important skill that every child needs to be a successful student and adult. Kids learn by mimicking, partaking in hands-on experiments, but kids often use books or reading materials in order to learn. It is best to start reading to your child as an infant; instead, of waiting until your child is a bit older. The sooner you start reading to your child, the sooner they can reap the benefits of reading.
With the current situation with the COVID 19 and summer break each year, many kids would much rather spend their free time playing video games, watching television, or attached to a screen. As a parent, I get how busy life can be especially now if you are working from home and trying to keep your child immersed in their classes.
Encourage your child to read a book at least 30 minutes a day. Books are a great way to keep them immersed in learning and helps enhance their own creativity. The more your child reads the easier it is for them to learn new material in school. Books are similar to a magical portal that allows your child to learn material from the past and fiction books take your child to a fantasy world. Reading books is beneficial and fundamental to your child’s development. But reading has other important benefits too!
6 Ways to Get Free or Cheap Kids Books
Books can be rather expensive, especially, if you have a bookworm in your house. But don’t let the cost of books prevent you from encouraging your child to read on a daily basis.

How long has it been since you have taken your kids to the local library? With technology available at our fingertips, the library is one of the most underutilized services that is often forgotten when it comes to picking up new reading materials. Not only does the library allow you to check out books but often times you can find other items such as movies, defensive driving courses, audiobooks, encyclopedias, and reference material.
Your local library is funded by your tax dollars and your family should use it as much as possible. Why buy bunch of books when you can borrow them for free? Check your local library rules to determine how many books or other items that your family can check out.
Don’t forget to ask the librarian about your library’s access to e-books too. The library does keep e-books on file that can be lended to a patron for an certain amount of time. Keep in mind that some of the popular books may have a waitlist. Don’t be surprised if you have to find a few other books to read before it becomes available.
The local library also hosts free events for kids, including story time or a summer reading program, and adults too.
E-books are easier to obtain using apps such as Nook and Kindle. These apps may already be installed on your child’s smartphone or tablet. If not, they can be installed easily (kids get permission from your parents before installing apps). Once the app is installed, simply search for free ebooks. You can modify your search so that you can help your child find age-appropriate books to read.
It has been several years since I have managed a child’s account using the Nook or Kindle app. But when my daughter had a Nook account, I was able to add a password to her account so that she couldn’t download any books without my pin code. Most of the apps require a credit card to be placed on file, so setting up a password prior to download protected her from charging books to my card without my permission. Plus, password protection also allowed me to screen the books to ensure they are age-appropriate too.

Start a Book Swap in Your Neighborhood
Does your neighborhood have a way to conduct a book swap? Most families have books laying around the house that are collecting dust. The best way to create a book swap is to either build a little free library (check zoning laws in your area as some places don’t allow them), start a Facebook group for book exchange for your neighborhood, or create a shareable document that lists books available for swapping.
Take Your Old Books to the Used Book Store
Gather up all of the old books that are laying around the house that your family no longer wants. Then take them to the used book store so that you can use the money earned to purchase new ones. Not only does buying used books save money but it is an excellent way to recycle your old books. Keep trading your old books in for new ones. Also, search for used books before paying full-price for new books to read.
Listen to Audiobooks
Audio-books can be a bit pricey compared to books but they are a great way to get your child interested in reading. Even though your child isn’t reading a book, they are still gaining valuable skills needed for language development. Listening to audio-books also allow your child to use their imagination to paint the story they are listening too. Plus, listening to books can help encourage your child to think outside the box when it comes to solving problems.
Get Epic – Digital Library for Kids Under 12
Epic is a huge digital library that is focused on kids ages 12 and under. It is a safe place for kids to be able to pick out books that they want to read without you having to worry about them getting their hands on something inappropriate. Before school ends, check with your child’s teacher to see if your child has access to Epic.
Try Epic for 7 days for free and start your child’s monthly subscription for $7.99 a month. The cost of the monthly subscription is equivalent to purchasing your child 1-2 books a month. However, with your Epic subscription, your child also has access to books, kid-friendly videos, quizzes, Spanish, and more. Also, there isn’t any annoying ads or in-app purchases to worry about. Get started today (aff link)!
Reading is a crucial part element and essential skill that every child needs to be a successful student and adult. Before technology was introduced in the classroom, kids relied on books to learn new material. But in today’s classroom, kids are directed to specific reading material in order to complete their assignments. Reading books on a daily basis can help make learning new material easier.

Awesome, I always love free! I will look into these. I know I do love book swaps.
I personally miss going to the classic libraries we have back then. Man, I can’t blame the internet but the actual experience is just something different.. right?
I love these tips. Epic sounds like a great service, especially if you have kids who really love to read. I’ll have to check it out.
The library is always my go to place. I need to take my kids there more often.
Wow! These are all really great and very helpful tips! Thanks for sharing this with us
Thanks for these awesome tips you have here! This is so perfect!
I love this. My kids and I love going to our local libraries. We get books there to read all the time.
I used to be a teacher so I definitely love promoting reading to all kids! I take my kids to the library often and we have reading time and math time daily in the summer! It only takes an hour and they have the rest of the day to play! Thanks for the tips!!
My kids had a massive book collection, and I’ve donated a lot of it with the hopes of encouraging more kids to read. These are wonderful tips.
I like the local library. I go often with my kids. They can read there and also pick a new book and they love this activity. It’s a great way to learn to take care of their books!
I’m buying my kids new books to read every time I got the chance. I love to see them read.
These are all great ideas. We used to do summer reading programs where the kids would get free books (like Barnes & Noble).