Homemaking Skills Worth Teaching your Kids

What homemaking skills are worth teaching your kids while they are still learning? Are you trying to figure out what skills you should make a point of teaching your child? Homemaking skills can make a great addition to your homeschool curriculum whether it be a homemaking credit or simply a new way to work on other skills and lessons.

Homemaking Skills Worth Teaching your Kids

From math to motor skills homemaking can be a great way to make learning a part of your family’s everyday life. Which homemaking skills worth teaching your kids will you try?

Cooking and Baking

Homemaking Skills Worth Teaching your Kids

One day your child will need to know how to take care of themselves including how to make food that is both healthy and delicious. Many people do think about how important it is to teach kids how to cook and bake but this valuable homemaking skill should be at the top of your list. Not only is cooking and baking a great skill to teach your children, it is also a great educational opportunity. When you work with your child in the kitchen you can help them learn basic math, science, and reading skills.


Mending is a basic home asking skill that can help make your items last longer keeping them out of landfills. The skill of mending is a great way to make do with what you have and to make the most of your money. Teaching your child how to sew and patch clothing, curtains, and other household items is a great frugal skill everyone should take the time to learn. Mending is a great way to work on fine motor skills.


Homemaking Skills Worth Teaching your Kids

Gardening is a valuable homemaking skill and hobby that helps save money and provide your family with healthy food. Gardening is a great opportunity to teach your child about how food gets from seed to table, how a balanced ecosystem works, and other great science topics.

Food Preservation

Knowing how to preserve food through freezing, dehydrating, and canning is a great homemaking skill to teach your children. This skill helps to reduce food waste and is a gr

eat way to ensure that your child has the skills to get along even when things are not so great in the world. The past couple of years has been a great example of how important food preservation and keeping a small stock of food really is.

Laundry Care

Homemaking Skills Worth Teaching your Kids

Teach your kids how to wash, dry, and put away clothing. This helps to take the strain of this simple everyday chore off of you because your kids can help out while ensuring that they can take care of their clothing when they are older. You would be surprised how many kids go off to college and do not know how to do this simple task. For younger kids, fold, wash clothes, and other small items make a great simple gross motor skill activity.

Cleaning Chores

The average kid doesn’t like to have chores but teaching your child to help out around the house not only reaches them community responsibility it teaches them the most basic homemaking skills that they will need when they move out on their own. Most cleaning tasks are great for working on motor skills as well if you want a reason to get the kids to help early.

Are you trying to determine which homemaking skills are worth teaching your kids? These ideas aren’t just for those who homeschool but every child growing up should learn these skills. Chores are a fact of life and they don’t go away ever.

Homemaking Skills Worth Teaching your Kids

What do you think? Are homemaking skills worth teaching your child?

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